
Here are some of the projects I have built, including various applications and packages. Additionally, there are some repositories that I created for learning purposes.

AI SpaceProduction Practices of GPTNextGPTImplementing ChatGPT with Next.jsTypeReplicating OpenAI's AnimationLesenelir.meRecreating AntFu Blog with Next.jsReact AdminA full stack project with React and Koa2LearnWeb3Some example practices from LearnWeb3 DAOGmWeb3A cli tool for generating DApp front-end templatesConfA monorepo for configuration optionsMini ReactBuild your own react tutorialSuspenseData fetching with React SuspenseFlex BaiduImplementing Baidu's Page with CSS FlexCats ClassifierClassification of four cats-kinds with CNN and Django

LeetcodeSome JavaScript Solutions for LeetCode Problems